Monday, 18 March 2019

SB3: Presentation Final

After developing my presentation and simulating how I'm going to present I've decided to make such final adjustments and here is the final presentation that I've done.
  • Slide 1 - TITLE (my graphic design life as gifs)
  • Slide 2 - hello
  • Slide 3 - To start off, way back to last year during freshers week, I still clearly remember this advice that a second year gave me which was to "just try to stay afloat". which in a way kind of tried to prepare me for what was to come during first year. 
  • Slide 4 - But in reality this was me last year, I drowned. Especially, since I cam straight from A-levels; it was a big shock to me. I don't even remember going out in first year which was shocking! 
  • Slide 5 & 6 - However, I did like how it allowed us to experiment and in particular for me, it made me change the way I perceive my ideas and that tangents are good (most of the time) in order to create more unique and interesting designs. In particular the last two modules were the ones I enjoyed the most as I thought that I was developing more conceptual and interesting ideas based on my research and tbh they were the only outcomes I was fairly happy about :///
  • Slide 7 - This is me this year, just barely trying to swim. This gif is actually a fairly accurate visual representation of how I feel about this year. In particular the amount of independence we had was good as it allowed me to get a better sense of my own capabilities and how I handle myself and develop my practice, however on the flip side this independence made me feel lost at times as the guidance and confirmation that I needed wasn't always there. 
  • Slide 8 - creative concern - Creative concern...My first creative concern is not being able to voice my own opinions. Especially in group work I tend to not say my ideas as I think to myself it's shit and I'm still not confident enough as sometimes I feel like I shouldn't even be allowed to give criticisms to someone else when my won ideas are shit.*Time management as well if there's time.
  • Slide 9 - internship - Another concern, I have finding an internship for next year. I've consistently been saying since last year that working in advertising is something I'd like to pursue, as I think it would be a good industry to get a 'real' since of design (or commercial design really - if that's even the correct term ;;;). Therefore, my aim for this summer is to research more into potential advertising agency internships as the only way for me to know if I really want to pursue a design career in the advertising field is to experience it. 
  • Slide 10 - personal aims - my personal aim for next year tbh is to talk to people more. Explore more. Create connections. I mean I've started to do it this year by starting small and joining societies and activities that I enjoy. I found that through starting small like this I get to make new friends and create connections with them. 
  • Slide 11 - In particular, I've been inquired to revamp the identity for the society that I'm part of, which would really my first 'commission' and in a sense actually makes me feel like A REAL DESIGNER. And I feel like through starting from this, I also like to start doing personal work in order to put myself out there as a designer. 
  • Slide 12 - zen - Hopefully from the ups and downs I've had during the last 2 years I'm able to more confident and prepared fro myself next year. Knowing my weaknesses and concerns are will greatly enable me to develop and improve more as a student and designer. And, I think even after finishing uni, I will still be a student in a way as, as Graphic Designers learning and researching is always going to be part of us fro the rest of our careers; and developing a good work ethic now will definitely help me in the future. 
  • Slide 13 - Having said all of this, hopefully  this is going to be me next year. Floating - have my shit together and ready for the real world of design. 

Thoughts & Reflections: 

I've decided to go for a story telling-esque approach as I thought my me personally this would be the easiest way i can talk about me and my experiences in a concise and effective manner, as often I feel like I verbally can't explain my ideas very well. But, having a story like structure will definitely help me talk about it in a more linear way. I also decided use gifs as the main tool for my sorry as I think they are great at summing up what topic I'm talking about and are great visual aid to the audience which they can relate back to my topic. I also thought it would be a good way to give the presentation a humorous, quite satiric tone, rather than just be a formal talk about me; also I use gifs a a way to communication most of the time as I think they sum up emotions very well and that's the style that I want to portray through this presentation too. 

I've also summed up topics together and deleted some slides, as I didn't want to overload it with gifs - as much as they could be funny, sometime during the presentation it might seem too much and lose their humour and meaning. 

Overall, I think this presentation sums up myself and my experience through the past two years in Graphic Design and also highlights my ambitions for next year and the future. Also, I don't think it'll be more than 7 mins as I feel like in some I'm going to be speaking really fast; also because I tend to go fast when I'm nervous. Though, as the presentation isn't until in 2 weeks time, I still have time to practice it to see if it hits or goes over the time limit. 

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