Tuesday 26 February 2019

SB2: Life's A Pitch Results

Today we had to the results for who won the presentations for our group project for Studio Brief 2. We found out that we won as the lecturers thought we had a strong style and visuals already set for the idea as well as a well thought out concept and ethos, which was supported with a strong branding idea as well, and the fact that it shows "the future" that is very tangible. Now we are going to start up the podcast, however with some slight changes.

  • Instead of doing it with ALL of the courses, a TRIAL RUN with just Graphic Design but still available to everyone, would be more efficient - Orlando told us that it would be safer to do a trial run just for our curse first in order to see it's success as well as the fact that if we start to  do it with all the courses from the get-go it would accumulate and become too for us and will be hard to keep up all at the same time. It's also smaller scale so it will be much more manageable especially as we're also doing other module overlapping it. 
  • Instead of separate website, it will now be linked through the uni website and Estudio/ Proportal - it will be much more easier and cost/time effective rather than to create a whole new website which involves a website developer and constant communication back and forth in order to create the website that we have envisioned. As well as it would also need to be trial first to make sure that it works smoothly and does what it needs to do perfectly. 
  • Branding needs to change slightly - the name of the podcast needs to also change as it's smaller scale now to fit it's current purpose (possibly LAU GRAPHICDES PODCAST?, GRAPHICDES POD, GRAPHIC POD, VPP - Visiting Professional Podcast). 
  • Have a shopping list of ALL THE COST AND LOGISTICS needed in order to make the podcast successful - we will need to give the lecturers an accurate measure of all possible costs for the podcast e.g. mics, recorders, booths, VP's needed, podcast subscriptions (hosting website etc.) as the uni needs to know how much they are going to invest on the podcast as well as for-see whether or not it will be successful in order for them to invest on it fully, giving the possible podcast longevity in the future. 
Thoughts & Reflection:

I'm really happy that we won and I'm looking forward to being part of the actual podcast. I think that it's also a great opportunity for me to expand to a different field whilst still applying my design skills into avenues such as advertising and branding for the podcast. At the same time, it's also a great achievement for us to be able to provide our fellow students knowledge and insights about visiting professionals and their practice in other courses. Hopefully, the podcast will be successful in order for us to carry it on with the whole university itself and become a long standing project in the university.

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