- PPP is the exploration of personal learning, investigation strategies and the management of self directed learning through tasks and research. Using effective strategies to facilitate personal development through critical enquiry and problem solving.
- Evaluation of your professional development, through PRESENTATION, DOCUMENTATION AND EVIDENCE.
- Engagement of you as a designer with the creative world, local community and industry around you.
- SB1 - Creative Report
- SB2 - Life's a Pitch
- SB3 - Presentations
- Develop a integrated understanding of the practical and professional concerns of the individual creative practices.
- Encourage an investigation of the personal, professional, innovative and entrepreneurial aspects of external creative industries and communities of practice.
- Establish an increasingly independent understanding of the practical and contextual location of the individual creative ambitions through sustained approaches to research and investigation.
- Develop higher level communication skills through programme specific practical and contextual research, development and presentation.
Module Deadline:
SB3 - Presentations* 26th March to 2nd April
SB1 : Creative Report
*Select and investigate a contemporary design practitioner/studio/organisation in order to produce a report based on their background. , everyday practice, studio culture and current place in the industry.
*It should utilise material drawn from at least one interview with a spokesperson from the selected practitioner/studio/spokesperson.
*Investigate at least 3 or 4 then by the end focus on one that relates the most of the practice that I want to go on and learn to do.
*Make a publication, animation, poster, website digital publication, vlog, video etc. for the creative report.
SB2 - Life's a Pitch
*Working in groups we need to produce an idea or concept for an event, exhibition or creative opportunity in Leeds.
*Prepare a 10 minute pitch presentation deck to a audience.
*Event may be an exhibition, series of talks, podcast, workshop, screening, performance, public space, project room, pop up, reading group etc.
*Budget, venue, location, logistics, materials, technology, branding, marketing and rationale.
*Consider how it's managed, produced and presented.
- Upload a copy of the pitch presentation with supporting appropriate visual materials.
- Minimum of 6 x A3 design boards clearly explaining the narrative behind the investigation journey.
- PPP Blog - OUGD502, Studio Brief 2
SB3 - Personal Presentation
*Produce and present a 5-7 minute presentation that communicates a reflective summary of my experience as a designer on the course to date.
*Identify creative concerns, personal aims and professional ambitions...
*Choose an appropriate format for your presentation e.g. slideshow, pecha kucha 20x20, video/animation, storytelling etc.
*Design Manifesto - communicating your skills, abilities, creative concerns and professional competencies.
- 5-7 minute visual PPP
- Presentation files (PDF< Powerpoint, video etc.) SUBMITTED ON 19/03.2019
- Assessed Presentation commences 26/03/2019
- Design Manifesto
- PPP Blog, OUGD502, Studio Brief 3
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