Wednesday 21 March 2018

End of Module Evaluation (Self-Branding)

For this brief in the module , honestly at first I felt really confused. I felt like it was maybe too early for us to do this because I didn't really know what I want to do in the future yet. Although, through the mind maps that we did I did find something that which I really find interesting and I realised that I've known for quite a long time. At first, my ideas were really complicated and I was going back and forth with my ideas for about 3-4 times I didn't really think things quite deeply and was stuck for a long time. Also, because I was going back and forth with my ideas I felt like I've wasted some days doing nothing and when I finally got the idea that I was looking for when I finally solidified what I wanted to do, I didn't have enough time and therefore didn't really have proper initial ideas. And, although everything made sense in my head I felt like with the way I was working I was skipping steps. This was something that I really regret doing and something that I wish I could go back and do again because I honestly wasn't happy with the process that I was doing with making up with ideas and developing.

In contrast though, I thought the presentation went better than I expected because I thought I did really poorly. Maybe it was because I knew quite a lot about the topic that I was doing however when it came to talking about my applications my storyboards were too cramped, which I agree on. However, I did try and improve it after the presentation to at least improve it from what it was before.  overall, this brief wasn't;t really my strongest suit and I felt that because I was too hesitant and confused about the work that I didn't manage my time properly, leading me to create designs which wasn't to the standards that I personally wanted. In the future though, I will try to keep up more and think really well on my starting ideas because that's what I feel like I'm lacking with the most; so that I can work smoothly and quickly as well as have a clear working process as it goes on.

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