For brief in the module, at first I quite liked the idea of working it groups, because I haven't really worked with a lot of other people in the class yet, apart from my friends. I also personally liked the brief of branding a film festival and curating films. It was also exciting how so early on in the year we get to communicate face-to-face with actual industry designers and talk to them one on one. I've learnt quite a lot form it as I learn how to act and responds and what questions to asked them, the designers (From Form particularly) were very nice and it made me even more comfortable of possibly talking or reaching out to designers in the industry if ever I was interested in something they do or want to personally ask them question.
Overall, working in our team was quite nine but also a bit stressful. Our group got long pretty well, however at the start of the brief no one was really taking charge or starting up conversations, maybe because we didn't really know each other, but it meant that we were quite slow and passive with our ideas, it also didn't help how some of our group mates weren't coming in which caused us a bit of stress, but our group managed by just working with whoever was around. Although, because of miscommunication we did have some problems, we still managed to create our designs quite well at the end, I just hoped that we didn't have to waste time because I felt like our presentation wasn't really up to par with the designs we made.
This brief overall, was quite helpful in terms of how I could adjust to groups and group projects. It was also helpful for me to know how to help and push my ideas to the group as well as give my own opinions because I felt like before doing this or group work in general I didn't really voice out my opinion or ideas in case they weren't really good. However, I feel that now I can do it and doing it will actually help the group move forward. This is something that I'd like to bring with me in future group projects that I'd do and I feel the now I'm a little bit more opinionated and decisive with my choices.
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