Thursday 16 November 2017

Studio Brief 2: 4/10 (Further Development of Film Poster Designs)

Today I decided to create and develop more film poster designs which I can pitch to my group. I feel that my previous designs were not as strong and maybe doesn't really relate to the movie or the designers that I've spoken to. I think that if a viewer who hasn't heard or seen the film will see the movie and poster and won't really understand the relation between the two as it may be a little too farfetched.

I've started to do this development where I have tried to incorporate Form Form's aesthetic and way of working into it- set designing and mainly 3D. I tried to make the Finland map in 3D as I thought that I could start with basing it from where the film . came from, however after doing this I felt that I couldn't really do anything from it and ideas weren't just coming together. Also, after getting feedback I was told that maybe it was a little out of what the film is about and is very weak, therefore I decided to leave the development and focused on doing another development instead.

I did this film poster design after the one above. I decided to try collaging images and concepts in which I thought were part of the film and key elements of the film e.g. Winstrom's alcoholic wife. I think that his design is much better and could be refined further as I think that putting together images which relate to the film will resonate with the audience better as the key themes are being explored and shown on it. In addition, it can also relate to how From Form does their designs, although they do their work in 3D, I think doing 2D collages are still a way of setting things in different scales and places and relating them with each other and how they are set out shows a story between each image.  

I may develop this design further by making in in a much bigger scale and expand my sources to magazines and other pieces of newspapers and types of paper. I will also start to think about the layout of the text that will need to be put on the poster. After doing, this I will pitch this to my group along with their poster ideas and we're going to make a decisions on which poster will use in order to do our screen prints with. 

After the pitch I decided to develop the collage poster design and the red and brown paper design. I choose these two as I thought they held the strongest meanings and context links to the movie and the designers than my other design pitch. Also, my group thought the designs were good and something that I could refine and develop further.

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