Wednesday 15 November 2017

Studio Brief 2: 3/10 (Film Poster Ideas)

Today I tried writing and creating film poster ideas that I can show my group as we were to create our own posters then show it to them then decide which poster we'll use to screen print. I wrote down some ideas which I thought fits the name of the film and the theme surrounding it.

I made an example of a poster design that I think may suit the concept of the film. I was inspired by Khaled's deportation from Finland and represented it through the crumbled piece of paper to signify his failed attempt to be a refugee and lack of documentation as a legal refugee in Finland. As this is just a test piece I will need to decide how I will make this digitally and how to put this on a screen to screen print, however I may only do this after I got suggestions from my group mates.

I made this test piece on Illustrator for another poster design. I used flowers as part of the design to signify sympathy which was a main theme in the film. It is still quite simple and bland therefore I may need to develop this further and give it more detail. 

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