Friday 17 November 2017

Studio Brief 2: 5/10 (Poster Development)

Today I decided to develop the designs that I decided was better from the pitch yesterday. I used further sources e.g. fashion and music magazines in order to  get images which are quite expressive. I decided to pick images which depicts certain themes and moments in the film in order to get across the message of the film to viewers who are familiar and not familiar to the film. I decided to create a collaged poster in order to relate to the designers we talked to (From Form) and how they create their work handmade. Although, my design is 2d it still has some aspects of how they make designs as the collage involves images of different scales and are laid out in a . certain way (e.g. "THE WORLD IS A WONDERFUL PLACE & I AM NO LONGER AFRAID TO DIE" next to black and white face and 'glittery depressed eyes' to demonstrate the different emotions Khaled was feeling throughout the film and how he felt quite hopeless in the beginning to being courageous and brave by the end of it).

There's also a reoccurring theme of eyes on the poster, in order to represent all the people that were looking for Khaled and judging him for being different in the country, however this could also represent all the people that are looking after him e.g. his friend and Winstrom. I also represented Winstrom's alcoholic wife and by using the 'glittery depressed eyes' it could represent the emotions he was feeling throughout their failing marriage.

I think this poster represents the film effectively as well as From From's style without being pastiche as it captures the key moments in the film and ties together events that are significant throughout. It can also intrigue an audience due to it's raw and hand-made style which also links to the film being very deadpan and raw.

For this development, I used the red and brown poster design from two days ago. I decided to develop the handmade 3D poster and refine it through Photoshop in order to make it look cleaner and professional. It also links to From Form's way of working as they said before how they'd like to make everything by hand first then put it through Photoshop or After Effects. I think the black and white works well together as it compliments the brown paper that represent's Khaled's illegal documents which got him to stay in Finland thanks to Winstrom's help. The white string also represents all the help that his got the sympathy his received from people e.g. Winstorm, his friend and his workmates. However, I don't really think this design is that strong compared to the one above as it has weak connotations to the film and I think if people that see this poster and see the film for the first time will be confused as to what the correlation are between the two and I feel like it would make them feel led on to a completely different film that they might be expecting, although I do like it aesthetically I just don't think it's strong enough in terms its meaning.

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