Tuesday 14 November 2017

Studio Brief 2 : Graphic Designers on Film (Interviews from other Groups = Designers)

The first group that is going to interview 'The Stone Twins' (Declan Stone) which is an Irish twin duo who are based in Amsterdam doing communication based designs which ranges styles from graphic design, art-direction and copywriting.

  • Talks about Dutch design - enjoys working in Holland as Dutch designers 'get it' and design as second nature in Holland.
  • He enjoys exploring different mediums, likes reading, watching and enjoys what he does and its not just a job for him.
  • Make friends at work and make connections.
  • Amsterdam Tower - EDM style influenced; focused the design on music (80"s, Rock (Gun n' Roses, Welcome to the Jungle); designed where one of the elevator has a disco ball and lights and have diff music which is part of the brand and resonates more to an audience in contrast to a logo (brand identity - smell, heard) 
  • Justify your ideas and voices in order to communicate your ideas; know what your worth; branding is important and understand the value that you give to people and companies. 
  • What makes a bad logo? - what the content of the letter? a message? a logo can be just a small part of the brand. 
  • What makes a good logo? - stylistic durability for a good logo something outside a trend or a fad, get away from trends and have your own in voice instead of being just like everyone else. If a logo works as a handwriting, squiggle it works. Something simple and something even a child can do and draw. 
  • Revert back and think about when technology wasn't as developed and get ideas from those as it's quite easy to search for designs in newspapers and magazines etc.
  • Something that has emotion of makes you smile can be good logo's and have characteristic but it also does have to communication as it doesn't have to say anything as it depends in context.
  • Working it teams (with twin) is something designers will always have to do - having strong opinions, colour, slant on your work in a team is important; getting a second opinion is valuable in order to develop work further; trusting his brother and respect and helping each other e.g. finance; also good marketing? twins (also what they called their brand)
  • Ireland is too constricting and 20-30 years behind business level as well as not having the respect design has in Holland. Compared to Holland value is different and ways of working is different.
  • Opinion on social media - younger people/designers can have their own niche and reach out to people but believes only for good. Downside to social media is it's becoming superficial e.g. Instagram. Too many people promoting themselves, asking for confirmation?; it's there everyday its toxic. 
  • What do you wanna say?, Who's your audience?, How do you want to say that? (mediums)
  • Think about what sets you apart and what makes you different. 
  • Film recommendation - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory*
The second group is going to talk to Luke Powell from Pentagram. 
  • Intro - work with Jody Hudson-Powell, had a studio before for 10 years (ranges of work from digital, animation,books, print, identities for companies = being interested in trying different types of media, not necessarily being the best at it but applying medias that tackles different types projects appropriately.) wide advertising of what Graphic Design is now; working in a more modern way.
  • Film recommendation - Kids* (Larry Clark) 
  • Sci-Fi's book references and inspiration - a playground for exploring wider ideas (philosophical, emotional etc.) - *Neil Stevenson (collection of short sci-fi stories)
  • Conceptual = fun, thinking out there, process and figuring out the ideas, finishing - crafting work and design - something of value in all stages of the product
  • Before does everything by themselves or collaborate with other designers; now works in a group 8 and helping team get to work. Team/Pentagram reluctant to start working, but instead looking at other people's work online
  • Benefits with working in Pentagram - before couldn't gain trust from clients but now being trust them as they are in a 'big office' or corporation. 
  • Artist recommendation from music and typography - hand copying logos from bands and recognising different types of typefaces and typography was. Design's Republic* Katorga Works (American Punk) Static Punk Records, 1080p (American House)
  • Actually do it not just think about it. -experimenting with different kinds of stuff to collaborate with other people. 
The third group looked at a video and audio by Maria Walnut.
  • Whats around you, people, experience normally affects your work, how your feeling and the stages of your life will always affect your way of working - e.g. Berlin- intense exploring being shown through her work and the energy that she has
  • she first starts with drawing as a first process- doesn't like the idea of being a specialist of something, but there are things that she wants to do more than others though all i all she likes working gin a wider range of mediums and don't really have a strategy on doing things as using a certain medium doesn't necessarily answer a certain question or project.
  • she is more approached by clients and companies than going to clients themselves.
  • works alone in a studio though has someone working for her sometimes that specialises in branding; helps her with things she's not confident about and refines areas that she may not be familiar with; also she can't really hire anyone for her and she doesn't see her studio growing into a big team as it comes from a personal and emotional thing and it hard to show subjective views on things. 
  • Film Recommendation - Her* stems from her personal interest of thats going to happen in the future, and the aesthetic of whats going to happen in the future; it play with the trends e.g. fashion. It's pure and sad in a beautiful way; relates in a cultural concept (Portuguese). Combination of something personal and identity and answers the challenges of stories you wanna tell. 

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