Monday 13 November 2017

Studio Brief 2: 1/10 (Graphic Designers on Film: Research on Artist)

For our second studio brief for our Professional Practice module we are to curate a film series in groups of 8-9, that will be shown in the Uni and find a way in order to encourage students from other courses to see these films. This brief is split into 3 parts:

  • Part 1 - is to interview and research artists and designers and thoroughly research about them and the field that they are in. 
  • Part 2 - is to create a film poster for a chosen film which should be A2, screen printed in 2 colours and do not contain sourced images. 
  • Part 3 - is to create a brand (identity) for our film series, logotype, promotional material such as in social media, pop corn bags?/ cartons or tickets or flyers.
The working title for this is : Documentary Film for Young Designers *however this could change in order to fit our film series. 

In our group, For the first part of this brief we were to research about "Form Form" a duo (Jurjen Versteeg and Ashley Groves) based in Rotterdam specialising in set and film designing. 

We firstly research aspects of their work in groups of 2 in order to spread the work out and make research faster. In our groups of two we found similar things about From Form to the other sub-groups in our group. 

They work across print, spatial and film, and their projects include set design and photography, commercials, title sequences and graphics. 

The common thread that runs through From Form's creative approach is their interest in building worlds based on meticulous attention to detail. They constantly explore different materials, textures, forms and processes. 

They are also represented by Halal production and are able to collaborate with creators and producers from Halal Production company, such as Roel Oude Nijhuis (partner and executive producer of Halal Production Company) who produced their ‘Each Vote Count’ commercial for ‘Rijksoverheid’ for the Dutch general election.

Recent Project ‘Into The Great Wide Open’ festival was their most memorable project at the moment.

-was inspired by Rene Magritte’s painting which shows surrealism and uses of beaches and natural environment as an occurring motif and theme in his paintings.
-often combine traditional processes such as painting with oil paintings and making structures then putting it onto a digital process e.g. Photoshop and After effects o refine and develop it further.
-used cameras, documentations, sketchbooks and sketches in order to create concept and ideas for the festival.


After doing our research on the chosen artist designer in our little groups we came together as a whole again in order to produce a series of 5 questions that we chose which are specific to their field. We came up of various different questions which we sectioned into five themes: Aesthetic, Collaboration, Inspiration, Journey/Development and Future. Having these five themes helped us separate different types of questions and narrow our questions don to five as some questions are too similar or are stronger and more appropriate than other questions.

After a long discussion and choosing which questions to pick, our group finally picked five questions which we think are suitable to asked From Form and will be most benefitting for us as we would like to know ,more about them and ask them questions which they can elaborate further and talk about a little bit more rather than questions which they are often asked about. We also had to think about the order we are going t ask the questions in in order to set the scene of the interview and make the talk flow in a very chronological order which make sense. Bearing in mind we also have another question that is set as our first opening question given by our lecturer, therefore in total we will have 6 questions to ask 

The six questions we are going to ask From Form in our Skype call with them are:

1.)  What film would you recommend an aspiring graphic designer?

2.) When you secured the studio, roughly how many hours did you dedicate per week to studio time?
3.) Do your different strengths and weaknesses help you overcome barriers?
4.) How do you share ideas and bring them together?
5.) Are there any alternative methods, different to the way in which you currently work, that you would like to try?
6.) Would you consider expanding your duo to another permanent partner?

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