Tuesday 14 November 2017

Studio Brief 2 : 2/10 (Designer Interview)

Today, we are going to interview From Form via Skype and talk to them for 15 minutes using the questions that we made during our research about them. We are also going to document the Skype interview from other groups and the artists/designers that they researched about in order to gain a wider range of knowledge and information.

We will ask our 6 questions individually so that we can introduce ourselves one by one to the artists.
1 = Cara
2 = Kocha
3 = Brylle
4 = Selina
5 = Jake
6 = Laveeza

Before answering the questions, From Form introduced themselves to us; Jurjeen and Ashley who are a film and design studio based in Rotterdam which started 5 years ago. Going from graphic design, film and photography who like to work with different platforms and different disciplines.

What film would you recommend an aspiring graphic designers? 

Rather than recommending just a film to us, they encouraged us to always be digging and exploring things where it be music, fashion, going to museums or reading books that we aways wanted to read; "[Jurjeen] being hungry and start to devour all the things that interest you". Though they did recommend us the find "The Other Side of Hope". They think its more of like a theatrical film and they love the set designs and is also something that they want to do more of and are interested in such as in commercials. They want to do everything when working in a project e.g. from directing to making the sets which is also something that is rooted in their work and principle.

How did you manage your workload and time when you first started your studio?

"[Jurjeen] Well we didn't manage at all actually, when we first started out... we both graduated in 2011...when we were both in the graduating year we started to collaborate...we were doing this graduation film about history of title designs and it made us think after collaborating to do this full time 'cos it felt so good...when we first started out we had nothing actually except two computers but nobody actually knew our work or that we actually existed, we were just sitting there at the studio...like how do we get this whole thing started. We were visiting a design festival the year before in Barcelona, it was a festival with all these different speakers and talking about there work and their work process and we were very intrigued by listening to their stories and we were thinking maybe we could approach this..." They approached the people from the festival and made the material for the festivals and put all their effort and curiosity into it and finally make 'From Form' in 4 weeks time where they could film and design in a studio. "For a commercial view it wasn't really the best choice...because there was no money involved...but from a creative perspective it was something that was really sort of kicked started the whole studio..."

How does your strengths and weaknesses help you overcome your barriers?

"[Jurjeen] We use to divide...so being at home is at home [Ashley] like no talking about work but we noticed that it was sort of like 'cos your always in the same project and working about the same thing so then you, it was really weird to not talk about it at home, like I want to say something about this or...so now we just sort of let it flow...{Jurjeen] I guess you could say sort of we have a lot of overlap being in the studio, Ashley comes from an interior background so when were designing a set for instance she takes the lead on it...where I just more towards around the storyline and concept of the project, so I guess you could say there's a roughly divided task with the studio but we have a lot of overlaps because we discuss the studio..."

"When a project comes in we always to see if we could make it our own, and that way Ashley can help define digital style and I try to direct with the concept and set, I guess we use our strengths that way to manage the project and make it our own and give it our own signature...well the weakness as well is also is that we are a couple and that sometimes you know when you're in the studio together...sometimes I'm in a bad mood or something, if this is your colleague you know you could just maybe talk about something...but sometimes you're in the vibe but sometimes you want to break free from it and we also start to work a bit now with being separated sometimes in the studio...because it's a 24/7 thing and also you know it also takes away energy but also give you energy so its still balanced...

How do you share ideas and bring them together?

"[Ashley] We also have interns every now and then and we start at Monday...Monday morning meeting and have a plan for the week...a good opportunity to discuss together...[Jurjeen] ideas just...at super random moment but its also really nice to have someone all the time that you can share ideas with...we have this project coming in last week and we were driving to my parents house...all of a sudden this idea came out of how to solve this project...immediately you know we can share ideas and its really differently from, of course you can send a text you know to a business partner...but sometimes we can really benefit form just share the right way...we always try to develop it further...we try to invest more and more time into research...were our design comes from..."

Are there any methods of working that you would like to try, that are different from what you've done before?

"[Jurjeen] Just sort of thinking about making this project our own, when it comes to commission project of course it comes in the studio that says "oh do you want to do this commercial about a bicycle" and we don't feel like making a commercial about a bicycle, but we just sort of really make it our own...so how would From Form make this commercial about a bicycle, and what is a bicycle? and sort of dive in to the subject more and more...it's a more evolved method of working whereas before we just thinkin' of something...when we try to invest more time into researching the actual subject or really try to make it our own and try to understand form our point of view where the idea comes from...why do we want to make it that way or this way...later on its the process all these things will make sense 'cos we decided on this path and you can clarify for itself where it comes from..."

"[Ashley] Every time a new project comes in we sort of challenge ourselves and think about what we haven't done before or also what fits the project of course, but  I think that's something I really like to do and we'll keep on doing but...most of the thing we do ourselves so we often talk about that we maybe could sort of work more with freelancers  or with people who can help us, so you have more of the overview and not doing emails and writing the concept and building things altogether... [Jurjeen] outsourcing to different people so we sort of focus on the full project rather than just being busy with this small tiny thing...we're in the transition phase."

Would you consider expanding your duo to another permanent partner?

They had been in the past (as a 3) but it was hard to keep up as all three of them had their own experience, goals and plans for the future as well as develop and refine their own signature style. However, they work better as a duo and being together.

We also got the chance to ask them further questions and ask them more abut them and their work.

How long was the festival work after your graduation?

It was one year, but they were also planning doing other things such as having possible work in the USA however, they decided to stay in Rotterdam and start their own studio.

How did you get involved with Halal?

They started to get interest with Halal Production Companies commercial and films and they wanted to do the same. They sent them an email and visited their studio, though Halal was a bit hesitant and they made film poster designs for a client, however upon seeing From Form's film in a festival Halal decided to work and represent them.

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