Saturday, 14 October 2017

PPP4 - Group Haiku Visuals and Crit

Group Haiku Visuals

After making our Haiku's, we then split in groups of 4-5 in order to create a Haiku ( a Japanese style poem which consist of a 5-7-5 ratio with the first and last line being 5 syllables long and the middle line to be 7 syllables long. Instead of having a 5-7-5 ratio we instead tried to convey the depth of a Haiku in our own poems using the answers that we wrote for the four questions. 

Planning materials and ideas for our design work

Our group decided to create a 3 set GIF which explores each line of the Haiku that we made. We complied all the GIF's that we create in the video below.

I think that overall our work portrayed the meaning of the Haiku fairly well. I think that we visually showed the Haiku lines effectively through using props and materials that have some connotation with key words in the Haiku e.g. "look shit", "slept', "work". BY doing this, I think it shows to the audience effectively what were trying to saying the GIF's. Showing someone looking at a distance while smoking can show contemplation about the future, while lipstick writing on the mirror can show how someone can look and think about themselves physically, while sleeping on books portrays being exhausted and tired about everything that's going on at the same time. In addition I also think that having it as GIF's give it more movement and makes them more dynamic which can make it more alive and interactive to the audience. 

Besides from the GIF's we have screenshots and put subtitles on the pictures which were the lines of the Haiku to see how the work will look and feel when static. I found that by making the work static it makes them more appropriate to have digitally or online e.g. social media such as memes; which can be relatable to young people. It's also easily understood though only still photos with subtitles as people can make the connotation theme selves. I also think that instead of having a more serious tone or connotation like the GIF's, I think having still pictures gives it a more light-hearted vibe just like meme's does as they can be read online and shared to friends were people can comment that they can relate and have an influx of people also react to it or share their own worries.

Group Haiku Visuals - Crit

These were the things that some people said and suggested for our group work in order for us to improve it or what they said they liked about it.

  • "Maybe have an actual book sculpture instead made on top of the table with all the words constructed on it."
  • Some of it is too distracting, maybe take of the jacket with lettering on the first GIF.        
  • Be a bit bolder. e.g. actually have a living sculpture of someone sleeping on the table while people are going around; or have people actually put books on the person sleeping. 
  • Like the mirror GIF with writing as it is relatable and people feel like 'shit' too.
  • Panning up from the ground to the full view of person sleeping and typography on books is effective.                         

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