Saturday 14 October 2017

PPP1 - Time Management

For our first Professional Practice seminar we learnt different ways to manage our time and to make a schedule in order for us to be on track for our work; balancing studying time with our social life to decrease our stress and be on top of our things.

I made two timetables which I will use in order to set myself times of what and when to do things every hour from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm at night everyday. By doing this, I will spend my time efficiently as I already know that I'm going to do and decrease the amount of time I'll be contemplating and procrastinating instead. 

I also made a Trello account which I will use to list all the things I need to do as well so I don't have to keep physically making timetables on paper. It's also easier to access as I can download the app on my phone and look at the timetable there. 

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