Wednesday 6 March 2019

SB2: Tom Joyes Episode Draft Edit

After Tom Joyes' visit and interview this Monday, I decided to start drafting an edit of the interview for the LAU Radio podcast. Because it was recorded on my phone, it was easy for me to access therefore I thought, might as well start editing it now so when it come to the time to actually have the episode ready, the group will have a framework of how it should sound. Also, because I wanted to start exploring Adobe Audition, I though this was the perfect opportunity to start learning it.

(Tom Joyes Episode Draft #1)

I decided to follow Jocel's structure of having the background music fading in smoothy after the intro jingle in order to get that smooth transition that you often get on podcast's; I think it's also a great way to indicate the start of the podcast itself, getting the listeners ready to tune in. Upon hearing the raw uncut version of the interview, I quite enjoyed the small talk that Jocel, Tom and Orlando were having before the official interview started, so I decided to include this in as an additional intro. I thought this gave the episode that raw, rough feel that Jocel and Orlando were talking about during the result briefing, were the rustling could be heard, giving it a sense of humanism and warm atmosphere and not just all serious and sternly professional. You also get a glimpse of the guest's character through it, giving the listeners a light-hearted start to the podcast. The only thing that I struggled with as well, was the fact that there's no real indication for the start of the interview, e.g. no introduction by Tom which was quite a shame. However, I did suggest to Jocel that it can be narrated instead to give the interview better flow, and for future interview have the interviewee introduce themeelves and their practice first and start the interview questions.

I decided to fade out the music when the officially started the interview, as I felt that having that silent background well focus the attention more of the speakers and the conversation, as well as make it sound more intimate and makes the listener's focus on the topic more. Also especially, when listener's listen to it through their headphones (as I also often do) they get a sense of inclusive connection - that they are part of the podcast conversation. So far this was all I've done to the audio itself as the whole group would have to discuss which bit needs to be cut and how, as I've already showed the draft to Jocel, and she said that there's aspects where she'd like to cut out too, so definitely the whole group has to decide together on how to initiate this in order ton not lose content for the episode. 

For the social media aspect of it, I've drafted a video/soundbite for the Instagram, which includes the basic info e.g. visiting professional's name, podcast name etc. just like the one showed during the presentation, while a clip of the audio is being played. I had quite a hard time, choosing which part to use, as the whole interview went on various different topics, which was good in a way as its broad, however I had to pick the right part, in order to also let the listeners have a glimpse of the overall theme, without leading them on to think of what the episode will be like. 

I decided to use this clip of Tom talking about his experience in Kellenberger-White and there structure as I thought it's a good snippet which doesn't give too much away or straying the listeners to a certain topic or theme of the interview; which will keep them intrigued to listen in. Overall, these are just the draft versions that I've done which I've also shared to the group drive for the whole group to see and review. When the whole group finally has time to discuss together in detail about the rest of the project, we will discuss the direction of the podcast further to refine and develop it in order fr us to create the branding aspect of it as well and hopefully have it available for the whole uni soon.

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