Thursday 14 March 2019

SB1: Final Outcome

After further refining the report again, this is the final outcome that I have produced for it. As I stated on my previous blog, I decided to write the body text on InDesign itself, in order to retain the quality of the text size/design. I'm happy with the result now as it's much more crisp and easier to read than the previous one that I printed. In addition, I also revised the comments and review that I did and change some bits to make it sound more professional and concise. Furthermore, I also created stickers  indicating the title of the report and the tracks which are stuck on the front of the CD. I also thought that the pamphlet style of the booklet works really well as it fit inside the CD case correctly, with just the back page sleeve needed to be at the back of the CD case. I think that overall the design work's very well and it reflect the tone and atmosphere of the overall interview well. The bright orange paper brings an energetic and exciting atmosphere from the get go. It is then contrasted by the complementary type styles that I've used, with both using a very bold and impactful sans serif typeface (Nimbus Sans Extended Black) and a soft serif typeface (Craw Modern URW); along with a simple simple two column grid in order to give the text format clarity and set reading line. In terms of clarity, I've also clearly differentiated the hierarchy of information for the content, using different type size and styles e.g. using the sans serif font for the headings and the serif purely for the body text and using different text sizes for the Headings for each section e.g. RATIONALE and the main title - THEMAN ON THECOVERS; on the front and back pages itself.

In terms of the content of the publication, I've decided to split the information in sections, following what Orlando sent us for the report layout. Using the layout helped me a lot in gathering and splitting what I wanted to say which makes the report easier to follow and understand. For the review, because I felt that my interview questions were somewhat split in sections and run a linear order (as I wrote them think it was a real face to face interview, which I also wrote them anticipating what kind of answer he would say, in order for the interview to run smoothly); which made it easier fro me ti summarise and talk about them more like sections. Furthermore, I also gave my own thoughts on the answers that he gave to the topics that I was most interested in, such as collaboration with other creatives, giving me a more informed opinion about the industry. Overall, it was a really good interview and Rick Cho answered my questions in some depth that I didn't expect, considering it was an email interview which I was really thankful for. As I didn't expect such a response, I appreciated it even more and found his answers really insightful and encouraging. They were honest and realistic which was what I wanted to get as well.

All in all I'm really satisfied with the report that I produced. I think that it is reflective of the stye and tone that I got from the actual interview itself and I think the context that it is in, adds to the quality and aesthetic of the report. Furthermore, I think it also touches on Cho's practice and style in a way, in terms of the industry field that he is in. I subtly reflected his design style in terms of the composition and layout of the report in order to give in a dynamic character and its own personality, just like Cho gives to the music of the client that he is working with.

The only thing i'm super disappointed about was the fact that I didn't get to burn the CD, though I did find a CD player, the CD i bought unfortunately had small storage therefore not able able to burn the CD. However, other than that I'm satisfied with it.

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