Friday 15 February 2019

SB3: Name Change

Me and Jocel went to get feedback from the lecturer's about which visiting professional we could interview (we thought of Pat), and while on the subject of the podcast, we also told them we were naming it 'Pitch In' however they thought might not be as appropriate as we thought, as it can sound like 'Bitch In' or 'Pigeon'. This made us realsie that the listeners may also hear the title wrong if the lectueres heared it wrong in person! Therefore, we told the whole tema about it and decided as a group that we will need of another name again for it.

Orlando also said that it should be straightforward, therefore during a crit he suggested the name 'LAU Radio' which we thought was a good shout. We didn't really intend to name it that simply, however as our alternative were either at risk of being misheard incorrectly or too abstract we decided that a simple name like 'LAU Radio' would be the best at this point.

The group also contemplated whether 'Radio LAU' would flow and sound better (which to be fair I thought it did) however, when written down, it looked really off and unbalanced which the typeface that we decided with, therefore we concluded that 'LAU Radio' was the final name of the podcast.

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