Tuesday 12 February 2019

SB2: Name Ideas

Our group started to think about different names we could call the podcast which needs to be easy yet memorable as well.


  • Heard It Through The Grapevine - Jocel thought of this famous phrase as she thought it would be quite satiric and catchy on the ears. At first we also thought it was a good idea, however we realised that the phrase can have negative connotations such as gossip which we don't intend to have for the podcast. 
  • Pitch In - as in 'pitching in' an idea. This connotes to the idea of connecting and sharing ideas, much like how the podcast is a sharing medium for all the informative talks around the university.
  • For the Student Body - I though of this title, as I thought it was simple and as the podcast is centred and catered to students, giving it a straightforward name which still has room for curiosity was good. 
  • Pool - Kristen thought of 'pool' much like a 'creative pool', similar to the Pitch In idea. I thought this was also interesting as it could catch on quite quick and is a simple one word name. It's also quite open and unique which entice people to listen in and find out more about us. 
At the end, we thought Pitch In, was the best name for the podcast, as it was easy and catchy enough as well as have a good idea and reasoning behind it, giving the audience a good idea of the content of the podcast itself. 

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