Monday 25 February 2019

SB1: Initial Idea

Following the initial ideas that I've outlined in my previous blog, I've decided to design the initial layout of the screen print design that I'm intending to do. I'm intending to create a concertina album sleeve reflecting Rick Cho's own work and practice and his main body of style. Following this is the typography that I've chosen, which are bold sans serif font (Nimbus Sans Extended Black) and (Nimbus Sans Light Italic/ Bold) and a contrasting serif font (Craw Modern URW Light Italic). Choosing these typefaces creates a contemporary and modern style to the design which compliments the single bold colour that I've chosen for the background. I've chosen orange as it reflects an experimental mood and conveys strong emotional aesthetic which reflects the style of design that Cho approaches the projects that he takes. 

"THEMAN ON THECOVERS" title is a play on words to Rick Cho's main page 'THEMANBEHINDCOVERS' implying that he creates album cover art.

Thoughts & Reflections:

As of now, this is just a really rough idea of the composition and layout however I am planning to screen print it first to test if the aesthetic that I'm trying to create is what will become the outcome when I screen print the design. I'm aiming to create quite an industrial aesthetic and roughness to the design reflecting Cho's style of design and similar characteristics that the style evokes. I'm also hoping that the concertina approach will be successful however, it may be quite restricting and hard to do as the screen can only come up to A0, however I may struggle to handle this size so I may downsize the screen to A1/2, meaning I will need to use multiple screens, which may slow down my process. Nevertheless, I have a think if I could do it or not.

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