Tuesday 20 November 2018

SB1: Questions for Rick Cho

After, I emailed Rich Cho last night, he immediately gave a response back this morning which was quite a surprise as I thought he would reply later. Nonetheless, I decided to refine and add more to the questions which I've wrote from yesterday, so hopefully I can send another email back in order to get a response back as soon as possible as well.

I've drafted more questions, just questions which I think would be relevant and things that I am interested in and would like to know more about Cho as a designer and a person. I tried to make my questions quite open ended as I'd hope for them to expand on the questions when they hopefully answer back in order for me to gather as much feedback as I can from them, as well as learnt from them and how they work in their own discipline. I also thought of writing questions which relate to different topics in their discipline in order to get to know them as much as possible and understand them more as a designer in their practice. Some of the topics that I've tried to cover are: their own design process, how they work, their intentions in their designs, how they work with clients and other designers, advice they can give to me and other designers. I wanted to ask these questions as these are the things in particular which I'm very interested about in the industry and environment that he works in and it's also somewhere that I'd like to work in one day. I also think these would be beneficial for me as I'd like to be able to be insightful into the kind of processes that he partakes as well as how he approaches the projects that he gets as they are not like normal graphic design briefs and he is also dealing with another type of art/design as well as works with people who are also creatives an artists in there own disciplines (musicians).

From the draft that I create, I refined and combined some of the questions together and set them out in a nice and smooth direction. Especially, as it's a written interview, I didn't want them to be quite randomly ordered and suddenly jumping onto topics, so I tried to order them in a way were it feels a bit like a conversational interview were the questions smoothly leads to another in order to hopefully get a nice cohesive response for the interview. Also, because the questions maya be quite long and they may not want or be able to answer all of them, they may answer some questions together as a whole and summarise it, therefore ordering them in the same topics would make it much quicker and easier for them to respond. 

After, looking through the draft, once again I feel like some of the questions have could've been worded better, therefore I decided to refine them again. In addition, because it's a written interview I don't have the choice of being able to talk in a less formal way, therefore I felt like some of the questions were a bit too serious, therefore I decided to add a few more bits which hopefully lightened up the interview questions, as if I'm talking to them in person. Although, I think by the end of it I got a bit too carried away with the questions and realised I have 14 of them, which may not be too bad but also may be a bit too long? I'm not sure if it may put them off, of how much questions I've asked them however hopefully they'd be willing to answer them and expand on the questions as I'd hope they do. 
Thoughts & Reflection:

Honestly, I feel quite nervous sending these question of to my contacted artist as I feel like it may be a bit too long and too much of them to ask 14 questions. I've talked to other people who've sent their questions off to their chosen artists and they've only sent about 10, so I don't know if mine might be a bit of a stretch. However, I did talk to other peers as well and Orlando and they said that maybe it's better to ask more all at once that asking more later; as the artists may be quite busy and may not have the opportunity to answer back again or may find it inconvenient. Also, because I've drafted and refined my questions so many times, I felt like going back and reading them through again would just make me want to refine them again. I don't want to overdo it with the questions, but at the same time I'd like to know more about them and their practice as I genuinely am intrigued and would want to learn more, however in the back of my mind I'm still scared that they might be put off or burdened by the amount of questions (as they might be really busy as well, and not exactly close to the UK and are 9 hours ahead of us) or even decide to not answer all of them or any of them, which may leave me with little content and understanding at the end of it. Overall, although I'm a bit nervous and worried I will send these questions ahead and hopefully get a fruitful reply from them, at the same time try and keep the conversation and emailing going.

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