Sunday 4 November 2018

SB3: Get to the Point!

Today we had our first PPP lecture with Alec Dudson and did the 'Get to the Point' workshop. In the morning workshop we were to work in groups of 6 to individually write down out thoughts and feelings in regards to our future aspirations and plans on pieces of post-it-notes. After, individually writing down our thoughts we were to pick one biggest worry we had written and expand from it. After, we then moved to another person's post-it-note and expanded on from what they have written. There were also some indicators or thought starters given to us in order for use to get cohesive ideas and thoughts for that person's worry e.g. write a solution in a form of an event, application etc. After writing on everyone's notes, we then decided as a group which worry we found the most interesting and relatable.

The afternoon session consisted of us expanding on with the note that we thought was the best. We were to pick a solution for the worry. (Our's was "Worry about work not being good enough after graduating University") - I think we picked this concern as we can all relate to this and it's something that's going to be a worry for us when we are going to 3rd year and nearing our graduation, also the fact that we won't have any help or guidance, lecture wise and equipment wise is a worry for us as it means that we may feel like there isn't anyone giving us a confirmation if our ideas are good, or that we just become unconfident in our own abilities, plus the fact that we have no access to equipment that will help us execute our ideas thus worrying about work not being good enough for commercial purposes and not industry level.

For this concern, we have thought about lots of ideas, firstly with 'basic' solutions someone may do e.g. do workshops, go to events, networking etc. But we thought that giving a solution to the concern early may be the best option as it gives us an opportunity to be more confident about it earlier and get used to the standards and not just be thrown into the industry all of a sudden.

Our group thought of having a course option in which third years can opt to present a brief or an idea to a panel of lecturers within the course and be judged on whether or not it should be done or not. The course will be mandatory for first and second years, but optional to third years. The module will be a collaborative work between all three years with the third year be the creative director (one who created/proposed the brief), second year (junior) and first (researcher). We thought this would be effective as it can give all three years a chance to experience what it may be like to work in a real industry frame work, as well as get to know each other, and most importantly give the third year confidence that they can actually do work and lead a team of creatives theme selves. We also hoped for the idea to be partially if not fully funded by the university in a way to encourage collaborative work between students and improve university standards of creative work. If it would be successful, it may be possible that other courses can do the same framework in accordance to their study, or even spread to other universities as well.

As we presented this idea to the whole class, we got some really good feedback and enthusiasm form the group and it is something that everyone is concerned about and something that they would be willing to do. We also got great feedback as the whole concept will give all three years different experiences as they move up the levels, giving them a virtual or test-run of the real industry in a way as one may move up different positions on work. Overall, the whole workshop was really good and was very productive.

Thoughts & Reflection:

I really enjoyed this workshop as it made me really think of what concerns me in my personal practice and has taught me in a way that its okay to have concerns and that I shouldn't be worried or embarrassed about it. Especially in the first part of the workshop where we had to write down our concerns I felts quite relieved in a way as I realised that everyone had similar if not the same concerns that I have and that I'm not the only one having such thoughts or worries. Also, reading everyones ideas and thoughts about my own and other people's worries was very informative as people had different ideas and point of views that they voiced out and made me realise that other things can happen too or I can do other things that will help lessen my worries. having the afternoon solution task was also really helpful because it gave us time to really think about solutions that we can do to solve these problems which was great as it means that we can actively take action of it and hopefully solve or lessen our worries. All in all, the workshop was great as a whole and was very productive, informative and relaxed all at the same time.

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