Monday 5 February 2018

Thought for my Design Process

Regarding how I can do self-branding for a kpop band I need to think thoroughly about WHY i'm doing it in order to have a clear resolution for my designs so that I can effectively brand myself to a kpop company which is the area of field that I want to work in.


Why I want to design for KPOP bands:
  • I want to visually represent their music style/genre through different mediums such as collaging which is different to current existing album designs for kpop right now.

  •  I want the group to have their own clear brand identity compared to other groups because of how competitive the industry is. 

  • As it is a competitive field, I think people don't really take it seriously or show much interest to it may be dud to preconceptions they have through very little knowledge about the industry or they've only seen 'absurd' styles e.g. Psy. But, the kpop industry is actually very serious and it is a very well-thought out and planned system. From big agencies specifically for training young people and auditioning aspiring singers to training them for a couple of year until deeming them ready and forming them into groups while training they form bonds with people they otherwise don't know and asking 'roles' to each trainee regarding their strengths would it be singing, rapping or dancing. The also train for other 'talents' such as foreign language (in order to promote to wider audiences) composing and choreographing in order to be able to personally craft their style and make their own songs rather than as what other people may think that most groups are 'manufactured' and 'handed' things to sing and dance to. 
  • Also, people don't really think much about design in Kpop. But, in fact designing for a Kpop band is quite complex. Designing can include branding the groups name and music style and unique perks e.g. for SEVENTEEN as a 'self-composing' group. Being able to have their own colours and appealing to a certain audience demographic as well as interesting album packaging designs which can include photo books and cards which is quite different to western album packaging. 
  • Also, they take particular care and planning to their music videos and spend millions on it and think of concepts and its which can create stories from music video to music video or album to album. It's interesting to see their fashion also presenting there 'group identity' and starting trends fashion wise and music wise.

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