Friday 9 February 2018

Ideas for self branding

Ideas for self-branding which I can use in order to brand myself to the studio/company that I want to promote myself to regarding branding a Kpop group.

Idea 1

Taking the idea that Kpop idols are trained in a 'system' and have various different 'roles' within a group e.g. leader and main vocalist. I thought of creating an ideal group of people which could be in my group/studio who specialises in creating designs for Kpop albums and Kpop groups. In the group there could be a:
  • typographer
  • animator
  • illustrator
  • set designer
  • graphic designer
Idea 2

Maybe creating a song about a design or design principles or my design principles and making a group (or storyboarding) how a Kpop group will sing it.

Idea 3

Creating a concept for a group and thinking about what can be designed for an album packaging, music video concept, fashion concept etc. which can make the group standout and solidify their brand and identity.

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