Sunday 10 March 2019

SB1: Report Development

After making my initial design and layout for the creative report, I realised that I only put the actual interview within it, rather than actually analyse it and give my thoughts about t he whole process, which was what Orlando sent us through his email which clarified everything for me. It was also clarified that although the production should be relevant to the designer and the their practice, it's not the main focus of the brief therefore instead of focusing on the visual design and production method I will focus on the content and my understanding and thought of/on it, in order to successfully get across what I've learnt through interviewing and researching my chosen artist.

Giving a good introduction to my report I summarised my chosen designers practice and why they are relevant to my personal practice, setting the main context of the report. As well, as writing a simple rationale which encompasses their whole principle and ethos as a designer. I then moved onto the interview part of the report and laid out a 2 column grid standard to any interview settings, as well as keeping to the serious and formal tone of the whole interview. Keeping it quite simple and minimal as well to focus on the content of the interview itself. To end the report I also included a summarising paragraph (review) in which I talked about my own opinions to Rick Cho's design principles and his answers towards my questions. I also included what I found the most useful and memorable- something that is relevant to my own personal practice. Overall, I wanted to end with the review in order to close the report nicely also indicating that it's been concluded creating a good pace all throughout the report itself which aid to the audience and their own interpretations and understanding of my report as well. 

Design wise, I changed the body text to the body text Craw Modern URW as I expressed that I wanted to use it more for a more effective contrasting effect with the bold sans-serif font. I think that they look aesthetically good together and compliment each other well; I think it also gives the report a more dynamic look through though it's fairly simple and minimal.

Instead, of a concertina I decided to print the report in a simple pamphlet style as now I am planning to make it into a CD booklet/sleeve inside a CD case with a CD-ROM of the album artwork that I've included in the report for reference. I thought it would also be a nice way of showing the report in context, albeit that it may be too literal, I think it works very well considering it's format and content. 

Once I printed it out, the body text turned out to be a tad bit blurry and illegible, which I thought was quite annoying as it would ruin the reading pace of the report as it's already small as it is! I think because I did the text on illustrator when I exported it as a TIFF, the compressed file lost some of it's quality which affected the small 5.5. pt body text. I also read through the booklet, and found some grammar and kerning mistakes, so I'm going to print it again with the body text done on InDesign for higher quality and also correct the text mistakes that I've done. 

In addition, for my final, I've also decided to possibly burn a cd (like a mixtape) with all the songs referenced within the publication and insert the publication as a cd sleeve, referring back to Cho's field of work and how he integrates graphic design to music. I think this would be a really good way to showcase the report in a more interesting way rather than just the publication itself. Although I will need to check how I'm going to burn the CD as Macs don't have cd drives or whether it would go against the ethics policy etc. 

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