Tuesday 19 February 2019

SB2: Development

I showed my group the design that i created for the social media aspect of the project (Instagram, Facebook and Posters). They really liked the designs and thought they were consistent of the overarching style aesthetic that we are creating for the project. However, the phrase was too basic and sounded like another phrase from another company, therefore we decided to change it to 'catch talks from another course' as we thought it was simple enough to be memorable and straight forward but also encompasses ur overall ethos as well.

We also discussed that we could host and put the actual podcast on the website that Kristen had created instead of linking it to existing apps like Spotify and Soundcloud as it would be easier to manage and would be consistent, therefore we concluded that there was no need to develop the social media aspect for Spotify and Soundcloud, so in the end I have left these two apps away from the overall advertising aspect of the project.

After discussions with the whole team, there was nothing much to change from the designs, in terms of it's design elements, so only the content was needed to change. I changed the slogan across all social media platforms making them all consistent with each other, and took off the Spotify and Soundcloud information from the posters.


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