Tuesday 5 February 2019

SB2: Change of Idea

We ended up not doing the chaching idea as it was too much and there's too many variable to think about that we thought it would be too disadvantageous to initiate. Therefore we decided to think about something else.

Our group thought of creating a podcast for the university as the uni doesn't have a podcast at the moment, unlike Leeds University. Ellie and Sarah thought it was also a good idea, as they had a podcast in their previous college which let students interact and send in songs etc. to it, which they thought they could implement within the podcast project as well. The who group agreed to this and thought it was a good choice therefore we decided to go with this idea instead

What is the main point of the podcast?
  • A way to let all the students in the uni have access and listen to the designer talks that goes around in each course. There might be designers/artists that student's from other course want to see, but can't or don't know about because they are not in the course which the talk is taking place. 
  • To let existing students promote themselves and let everyone know about their practice e.g. Prawn Shop in Level 6
  • Ask designers questions which weren't asked during the talk they did. 
What else it could have?
  • Let student's send in song requests.
  • Let student's asked questions to the artists
  • ASMR
  • Games? 
  • Designer requests?
  • Let students come on the podcast to promote their 'collaboration requests' which may be more effective than sending emails. 
  • Student to student talks
  • Different themes every week
After dotting down the different elements the podcast can have we decided to delegate research parts to each of us. I was in charge of researching for the cost of the podcast such as costs for hosting podcast websites, in order for us to know the expenses that we will need in order to start the podcast. Having the right expenses would possibly make it more realistic and tangible for us as well as when presenting it for the presentation as the judge can evaluate whether or not it's worth to continue the project idea.

Thoughts & Reflection:

I think that our new brief now will be very fun and exciting as it's something that's never been done in the university before. As well as, it's also similar to the idea that I had when we were thinking of individual ideas, so maybe I could also contribute ideas that I was already thinking before. It's also something that will benefit not only the students but also the university as a whole as it promotes connectivity and student participation showing the proactivity the students within the university participates in and creating their own content for themselves. 

So far, the group is also quite proactive and effective and delegating jobs as the group is quite big, utilising the time the we have for this project. Also, the fact that we are a big group will also be advantageous as it means we can split the workload better and work up to speed, as  well as give a wide breath of ideas to the team. Hopefully, this will be steady all throughout the project. 

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