Tuesday 20 November 2018

SB1: Contacting My Chosen Artist (Rick Cho)

Today, I've emailed my chosen artist (Rick Cho) via email, to ask his permission if I'd be able to interview him about himself, his design process and his role as a Graphic Designer within the music industry. I was quite scared to send the email as I didn't want to seem to be intruding or making him feel like he needed to answer my email, so I kept it as short as possible while still including all the things that I wanted to say to him. I do hope for a reply, but at the same time I am also anticipating a rejection and don't really want to get my hopes up, as I understand he might be busy or have other things to do. However if I do get a reply back, these are some of the draft questions in which I might ask him:

1.) As you mostly create album cover design work, do you have a sort of communication between other designers in other parts of the creative process e.g. MV producers, which also works with the client/artist in order to create a cohesive and consistent overall design?

2.) Having worked with both Korean and international artists, how would you describe their approach on creating design for their music?

3) How would you describe your design process when being given a brief?

4) How do you balance between the clients wants and your own design decisions when working on an album/single cover design?

5) Working with artists for consecutive amounts of times, for example Jay Park, has this changed the way your relationship as a client and designer work?

6) How has working with 'long-term' clients, such as Jay Park, change your relationship as a client and designer? Has it changed at all? Would you say you have a lot more freedom?

I tried to make my questions open ended, as I hoped for the designer to expand on their points, therefore hopefully giving me more insight and knowledge into their design process and discipline. So far, I only have these 6 questions, but will definitely add more or refine them more. I might also ask my peers and lecturers to look over my questions, to make sure they're okay and don't seem rude or too much.

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