Saturday, 27 January 2018

"Begin with the end in mind"

On Tuesday, I started to develop the concept that I wanted to do for our self-branding brief. Penny gave us an idea of where to begin and how to think of it with the quote "Begin with the end in mind". With this quote, I thought of where I wanted to work and what I wanted to do based on my current interest and things I like.

For me, I have always been exposed to different cultures and different types of music and listened to Korean pop music. Kpop for me is very interesting as it doesn't only involve music but also different areas of design, form music video, fashion and film, and most of these areas also interrelate and link together, where designers, directors and the singers themselves communicate with each other in order to create designs and concepts which fit the singers interest and also satisfy the designers wants and ways of working.

I want to be part of a graphic design team who works on album designing for a Korean artist. I specifically want to do album designing as I find Kpop album designs to be much more innovative and interesting than most normal western albums, and album design and packaging is one of the ways in which a singer's identity and look can really be portrayed. It also gives room to be creative and use different types of media in order to express the songs and the overall mood of the album and the artist. It can also tie in the overall concept that the singer is going for which can also relate to the fashion and music video concepts.

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